Friday, August 18, 2006

When it Rains, it Pours!!!

So it is now day 4 of Carsyn's saga. It goes something like this:
Day 1: Tuesday, her birthday, she wakes up with a fever, no voice and complains of being "sick in her neck." Scott takes her to the doctor- not her pediatrician but another one. Her original throat culture for strep is negative. The doctor gives scott some paper about Croup and says she probably has that- no meds.

Day 2: Still running a fever. Wakes up at 5 am with a cough like a barking seal. Scott pulls the paperwork from the doctor out of his truck and we manage to diagnose her with Croup, seeing as how she fit everything on the page. It says it is highly contagious and she needs to stay home for 3 days. Since it is only my third day of school, Scott stays home and I plan to stay home Thursday.

Day3: After sleeping between us and scaring me all night because she was running a fever and breathing very loudly and shallow, I call the nurse who suggests I bring her back to the doctor, luckily her own this time. He in fact diagnoses her with Croup but actually medicates her. Yeah! By Thursday evening she seems to be feeling better after two doses of steroids. However, the doctor said she needs to stay home AGAIN because she's still contagious. Thanks to a good friend at school and a very helpful secretary, I am able to get a sub and plans ready without driving all the way in. AFter three years of NO sick days due to two pregnancies, a heart condition and a gall bladder removal surgery, I thought THIS would be my year to start banking. I am already down to 8 and we've only been in school 5 days!!!

Day 4: Carsyn wakes up FINALLY being able to talk and has some color in her face. She has been white for 3 days. Seems to be doing much better and throws herself on the floor crying because daddy is taking Payton to school, but not her. I decide for a special treat we will go to Walmart...that's her favorite store thanks to Grandma taking her there almost DAILY when she was staying with us last fall! Things seem to be finally looking up until the phone rings at 8:00...the nurse from Tuesday's doctor wants to let me know that my son (that's what I get for picking unisex names!) has strep. She wants me to pick up an antibiotic. So I call daycare and am the proud mother of the kid who is the reason for TWO signs to be posted outside the door. (for those of you non-daycare folks, they do that when someone in the class has something contagious. The sign always says "A Friends has...." Some friend, huh?)

When will it end?


Anonymous said...

Love the art pictures. Poor Carsyn (fem)--of course no one is there to help these days! Just talked about how this was the first time in 4 Augusts that we were around here. I can just picture her throwing herself on the floor!!! Tell her I hope she gets better soon. (for your sakes too). MOM

Amy Covey said...

Poor Carsyn! Why did it take so long to get her diagnosed with strep?? I hope she feels better soon and no one else gets it!