Saturday, November 29, 2008

For Lori

I found this at Target yesterday and am "virtually" drinking it with you, Lori...isn't this awesome? You have to google it...they have a website and the writing is hilarious!!! CHEERS!!!

Disneyland on Ice!!!

On Wednesday night we went to see Disneyland on Ice. My friend Jennifer and her girls came to visit and went with us. Her parents live in Dallas. We had a great time at our girls night out. Here are some photos of cotton candy blue faces, various light up overpriced toys and our Dash mask.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Our Holiday Home...A Guided Tour by Carsyn and Payton

Welcome to our holiday home. Carsyn and Payton will be your hostesses on your tour! Yes, we are done decorating. It is exciting to be in a new home and since I have the privelage of an entire week off, we got it done early. Please note our NEW dining room and at least 7 trees...more if you count the metal ones by the tv...that would be 10. The empty one is Marcus'. For whatever reason, he has not decorated it yet. The three together in the window are in our bedroom. How do you like the wreath on a mirror? I saw it in a magazine and am going to write JOY under it in gold acrylic supposedly washes off. And above the mantle I want to paint a huge wooden sign or art canvas that says "the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in the hopes that st. nicholas soon would be there."

Friday, November 21, 2008

Who Am I?

Today Carsyn had a Thanksgiving Feast at school. Can you guess who she is? Look very carefully at the is spelled out...but it takes two photos to show the whole word. I could not be more impressed with her phonetic spelling.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Last night we went trick or treating in our new neighborhood. This was a big deal for us because we've never had a neighborhood. We had lots of fun. The girls were adorable and did a great job maneuvering the hills and steps of our neighborhood. We got tons of candy and their costumes were a big hit. Be sure to notice Scott's amazing pumpkins...he worked very hard on them. Also, notice Payton's costume which I got for only $5 on is gorgeous in person...Don't worry Mia...I am saving it for you!