Friday, August 13, 2010

These are the people in my trailerhood

Sing it with me, Sesame Street Fans..."Oh, these are the people in my trailerhood..." I love people watching...and what better place to do it than in an RV park? First of all, this place is short on women. I wonder what that says about me.
Unless you count the "woman" next to us...she comes and goes and is very'd never know she was there until you caught a glimpse of her Wranglers and mullet...yikes. Need I say more? I joke that she is Scott's girlfriend...he jokes that she is more suited for me.
Then on the other side is an older man who is recovering from a hip replacement and has no air conditioning...can you imagine? I don't know if he is shy, grouchy, or just plain doesn't like me cuz he never talks to me. Every day when it starts to get hot, he drives his truck down to the pool and sits under the shade tree with his walker, reading a book and sipping gatorade. Then at dinnertime he drives back home.
Besides our immediate neighbors, we have many more colorful personalities, such as the elderly couple complete with pink flamingoes out front, and the man with the long silver pony tail who does Tai Chi early every morning in tube socks and extremely short silky shorts circa 1985. Again with the yikes!
And for a special treat, since we are right next to the Expo center, we host campers attending conferences. This weekend is especially packed with the huge Jehovah Witness convention going on. Early in the morning, they emerge dressed in their Sunday best and are taken over on golf carts. Around 4:30, they all come home. We hide, and hope they don't come knockin'. They are apparently coming back and forth every weekend for the next month....nice. Personally, I would rather be hosting Sami show campers...they have something to offer me!


Anonymous said...

Definitely hold out for the Sami show campers. Maybe you could offer to help them for free merchandise. What are you doing for fun since you don't have to drive north on the weekends? MOM

amy said... can't do a blog post like that without pictures! :)

aunt nancy said...

You know I sang it! I'm thinking you could take those snippets and write a novel or tv show, sort of the trailer park version of Desperate Housewives. Really Desperate Housewives? Just kidding. Been there.