Monday, March 17, 2008

How We Spent Spring Break...Day 1

1. Cleaned the computer desk...found the top! And found my photo disc from July Amy!!!

2. Loads and Loads of laundry

3. Took Naps

4. Read a latest Jodi Picoult fix..not quite done.

5. Colored Easter Eggs with the kids...and didn't spill anything!

6. Watched Bee Movie..again.

Now we are just waiting on Scott to come home so we can eat!


Amy Covey said...

1. Marcus looks way too old in that last photo.
2. I read that Jodi Piccoult book. It was okay, but not my favorite.
3. She has a brand new book out that sounds really good. I may have to splurge on the hard cover.
4. Do you still have the books I let you borrow this summer? If you're done, send them back with mom/dad.
5. YAY for finding the disk. I totally forgot to make you a new one.
6. Don't you just love spring break? I can't wait until next week for ours!!

Jill said...

My day was a little less productive, but good none the less! Did get taxes filed, finished a James Patterson novel on the car ride home from Houston, got some laundry done, watched the taped Oprah show from Sunday night - and have to share a story about that later - and I think that's about it. Tomorrow will be pretty productive hopefully! New TV delivered, tires rotated, clean the remnants of Mia's party, photos at Sears, possible Horton movie...

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

That's an ambitious first day of spring break! I'm impressed. And I agree with Amy...Marcus looks really old in that picture!
Also, by the way, I was checking out the decor in your house in the background of your pictures and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I just read Jessica's comment, and I had just enlarged the picture to see what the wall picture was. I'm sure Jessica liked that (and your dad). Enjoy the rest of your break. 2 more days for mine. Not very springish, but I'll still take it.