Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Bluebonnet Preview

Bluebonnet season is officially here...and this is the best season I can remember seeing since I've lived here! For those of you who don't get it, bluebonnets are a wildflower that grow everywhere in Texas this time of year. The big thing it to plop your kid down in the middle of them and take photos. Since Amy is coming next week to visit, I have been scouting out locations for photos. Carsyn happily posed for a few samples today. Payton was asleep in the car.


Amy Covey said...

WOW - they look awesome!! I can't wait to take tons of bluebonnet photos. Seriously, I'm so excited about it!!! What day are we doing bluebonnet photos? (I don't know how long I can wait!!) I hope Carsyn is that cooperative for me. :)

Brenda said...

carsyn just doesn't understand photos too much. so you will have to catch candid shots of her. we'll have to check out the weather. it was sunny and warm today...we all got in the pool!

Anonymous said...

Cute!! Don't lose Mia in the flowers.

Anonymous said...

These are so great. I did manage to stop on a side road on our way home to take a few pictures. Where did you find this patch? Is the one you usually go to still available? Take lots of pictures. It is still my favorite Texas thing. MOM

Lisa Uotinen said...

Great pictures, Brenda! I don't think I've ever seen bluebonnets before. Gorgeous! Maybe I"ll start scouting out some Virginia wildflowers and get some pics....