Sunday, November 05, 2006

"Daddy Baby"

Carsyn got this doll from her Uncle Mike on her 2nd birthday. It is a huge baby with a huge head and odd airbrushed on hair. It looks like a boy, but came with a pink warm-up outfit complete with hat and shoes. So apparently it's a girl. Carsyn never keeps the clothes on the baby though. She calls it Daddy Baby and it is her favorite. She take it with her on trips and sleep with him almost every night.
The problem with DaddyBaby is that he/she is creepy! His/her head is bigger than Payton's!
When Payton was a little baby, DaddyBaby was the punchline of many funny jokes around the house. When Scott and Marcus were supposed to have Payton with them, Carysn and I came home to find Payton all alone in the house in the bouncy seat in front of the tv with a Baby Einstein video playing. It was really DaddyBaby. DaddyBaby has also nearly fallen out of my kingsized bed and has been left unmonitored in the exersaucer several times pretending to be Payton in distress.
But the best DaddyBaby prank was completely thought up and carried out by Marcus. We were barbecuing dinner. We decided to eat on the table outside in the yard. Marcus was taking the dishes, drinks, etc out to the table while Scott was outside at the grill. Finally Marcus took Payton's high chair with DaddyBaby in it, started pushing "Payton" across the yard, and tripped and fell, throwing the high chair with daddybaby playing the role of Payton head first into the yard. Scott freaked out. It was so hilarious!
So I know this is longwinded, but you just gotta get a glimpse of daddybaby. He may have to travel to Ohio this Thanksgiving. Maybe we'll make a book of daddybaby's adventures. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Daddy Baby sounds a little like a sick version of Flat Stanley. Do you think that will leave deep emotional scars on your children? Oh well, it's always the parents' fault, anyhow.

Jill said...

Go Daddy Baby! We enjoyed having him/her stay with us for the sleepover!

Amy Covey said...

From first hand experience, I can tell that...
1. Daddy baby is pretty strange looking.
2. Daddy baby does look like a real child when you see him/her out of the corner of your eye!

I'd love to read the adventures of Daddy baby when you're done with it!!!

Anonymous said...

Well ... as an official doll lover, I am sure Daddy Baby also has some endearing qualities.I still have my beloved Saucy Walker doll and like to set her out, especially at Christmas time, but my husband and children insist on referring to her as Bride of Chuckie. I don't see it at all ... to me she is beautiful!
Aunt Barb