Sunday, June 22, 2008

Where have we been?

So, I know we have been hiding for a while now. I don't have any photos, but I'll write.
First of all, we did NOT sell the house...they bought a house in in a cruddy town in Texas with horrible schools. Very disappointing. So we are back to square one. Actually I think we are in the negatives because our air conditioning broke yesterday's suposed to get fixed tomorrow. We are getting anxious about the sale and the living apart thing i definitely getting old...and expensive. So keep on praying!
Last weekend was father's day and our anniversary. Scott and I went out to dinner at our favorite restaurant to celebrate year number 6...seems like just yesterday i was in a panick over a random texas summer rainstorm and an outdoor wedding! I ran into one of my little flower girls yesterday...she's bigger than me, gorgeous and going into middle school...crazy
For father's day we got Scott Rockband for the PS2...I got it for a steal of a deal on Amazon...$120 and free shipping. It is so much fun. I am a fantastc drummer...but Scott, Marcus and I switch out drums, guitar and singing to keep us well rounded...gotta be prepared!
That's about it for now. I got suckered into subbing a week of summer school while a friend is recovering from surgery and another is at a conference in Dallas...I have to be up and out of the house by 6:45 everyday this week....but it's good money!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Sorry about the house and the air. At least by subbing you can make money to pay for the air.(not much consolation is it) Will keep praying for the buyer to come soon. MOM

Anonymous said...

Well, your mom made my comments. Hang in there, and enjoy the pol while you can, because that house is going to sell soon! Happy #6!! I knew paper was for the 1st anniversary, but I didn't know Rockband was for the 6th.By the way, did you come up with a title for Marcus's picture?

Jill said...

Well, at least now summer school can help cover costs of fixing the air! Blessing in disguise?? Sorry about the house. Hopefully someone will come house hunting now, while it's stinkin hot out, see the pool, and realize they have to buy it!! I know I would.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary ... just a little belated. Sorry to hear the house didn't sell this time, but the "right" buyer is just waiting to find your listing! Aunt Barb