Thursday, June 12, 2008

Greetings from Cowtown!

No, we haven't moved yet...but we're getting closer! Payton, Marcus and I went up this week while Jill had Carsyn at SeaWorld. I got a job teaching deaf ed in an elementary school...quite a change from my last ten years, but I am excited about it. The best news is that it is on the side of town we wanted, Carsyn can go to school with me and we found an awesome day care right across the street for Payton! Now all we need is a home and a school for Marcus.

Please pray pray pray for this house to sell. We are getting anxious, but still have two months til school starts.

Here are some Cowtown photos for you!


Anonymous said...

As a faithful bloggee, I always check to see if they've been updated. I expected to see the dancing queen, so I wasn't expecting this one. It brings back memories of our trip there in '02. Jessica will be excited to see it, and Kyle will remember how "stinkin' hot" it was. It's weird, but while I was waiting for the computer to start, I pulled out the family pix from Billy Bob's to set out. Just before that I saw Kenny singing "She thinks my tractor's sexy" on "Today" and wondered if that's Scott's ring tone.(It used to be Kyle's!) Anyhow, congrats on the job! Do you have an idea where you'd like to live? Where's your school? Good luck with the rest of the details. It will work out.:)

Amy Covey said...

It is all starting to come together...and it will work out! I loved Ft Worth when you first lived there and can't wait to come visit again and go exploring!!!

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

God bless Texas is all I have to say to this one! I love it! However, I do have to say that when we visited, I really expected to have to cling to lamp posts and run for my life as the longhorns came rushing down the street, like the running of the bulls in Spain. It was just a wee bit disappointing to see about 10 longhorns leisurely strolling down the street. Oh well! Congratulations on the job and I'll pray for the house!

~Lori said...

Is Cowtown really the name of the town?

The bangs look great. :)

Anonymous said...

Hurray for your job, C's school, and P's preschool! Sounds like the pieces for your move are coming together. Keep us posted on the "rest of the story".
Aunt Barb