Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm here!!!

Hey everyone! I know I have been a non-blogger for way too long. I got a great new camera for mother's's a kodak 10 mp. the only problem is I can't upload my photos very well. And for some reason I thought no photos-no blogs. So here's a journaling only blog.
Life around here is crazy as usual. Yesterday I thought to myself, how does any woman in her right mind think she can have three children to care for and still work full time? It's crazy! So much to keep up with!
So school is officially done. Yeah! I am soooo happy for an extra long healthy and happy summer. Last year was technically healthy, but for those of you who never heard, I went through quite a bout of post traumatic stress after my heart illness with payton. It took me a year to nearly fall apart before I finally talked to my doctor about it. Right before Thanksgiving he started me in therapy and on some medication. It's so weird...I didn't know how much of a mess I really was til I was out of that fog! I am so happy now, and alive, and have so much energy, patience, love, and compassion for others. I was really lost there for a while and hiding it was really exhausting! So enough of that...just wanted to share my dark secret and move on.
This summer should be amazing...the best ever. We have the pool, which is too cool. I am teaching a few weeks of summer school which means extra pay for me and marcus...he's my hired nanny. Scott and I are going to Jamaica for 5 days in June...thanks in advance to mom and dad for coming down to watch the kids so we can get away for our 5th anniversary! Couldn't have done it without you!!! The kids and I are making a trip to Ohio near the end of July...I hesitated a few days too long on tickets and missed out on a steal of a deal from Southwest airlines. Oh well.
Other than that, we are just going to have fun.
I will send photos soon... as soon as I figure it out. Today I successfully bought a transmitter thingie from Walmart so I can use my laptop at home wireless!!! It is way too cool!
I guess this is too much writing for a blog so I guess I will go. Later!!!


Jill said...

It took me a while to figure out my camera too... I sort of figured it out accidentally, so good luck! Isn't it nice to look forward to a normal summer, and a longer one at that? No interviews, babies, pregnancies, or moving for us... first time ever. :)

Anonymous said...

No, that wasn't too long. I'm glad you shared that. We all have so many masks and think we have to let everyone think we're fine all the time. How many people really want you to be truthful when they ask, "How are you?" We're expected to say, "Just fine" and go on. That's great that now you are fine (unless you're not being truthful!). I guess it's common to go through depression after heart surgery, or any trauma like that. That happened to our friend, but not immediately afterward, either. He's fine now, too. Sounds like you and Scott are ready for that trip. Have a great time, mon!

~Lori said...

I'm happy for you and your normal summer. :) Sounds like it will be a relaxing one. It seems like most of us are going that route this year, and it's a great idea!!!
Yay for a new camera!! I know you've been wanting one for a while. I'm sure you'll figure it all out soon, now that you've got all this free time. And yay for 'transmitter thingies' too. ;)
(p.s.- Lisa and I just flew on Southwest, and while the un-assigned seats weren't that fun, we agreed they have the best airline snacks.)

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear from you again! Tonight's prayers will include my praises for the "new you". Enjoy Jamaica! We hope to see you in July :)