Saturday, December 23, 2006

So here's the update on Payton. We went to the ear nose and throat doctor yesterday who sent us over to the audiologist first for a hearing test. Is it weird that I think all of this is super interesting since I studied it in college and would love one day to go back and get my masters in communication disorders? Anyway...she has a significant hearing loss. She is hearing at 35 dB what others hear at 20. There is a lot of vibration due to fluid back up causing the loss. Also, the doctor said an ear drum should be semi-transparent but he can't see through hers at all. HE also noted my concerns for her speech development. She is 14 months and really doesn't say much of anything. He said he will see what happens after the tubes/ She is getting tubes on January 9. I think that's the's a Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I hope the tubes work for her, and it's great that you have enough knowledge about this to pursue it.

Jill said...

She'll be much happier without those ear infections every month!

Amy Covey said...

see, all those college courses did pay off...your diagnosis was right on! i bet you'll notice a big difference after the tubes!!

Anonymous said...

The tubes should make a big difference in Payton's health, hearing, and speech development. The medical part is definitely interesting ... but I prefer it to be about "others" and not our family. I will pray for Payton, you, and her doctors for a routine
surgery and recovery. Merry Christmas!
Aunt Barb