Monday, April 06, 2009

The Heimlich...One more time!

Can you believe Payton was eating a piece of bacon on the couch on Sunday and started to choke. She coughed a few times then looked at me and pointed in her mouth when I said, Payton are you allright? So I gently gave her a few thrusts and nothing. I grabbed her around her ribs and jiggled her up and down as I quickly carried her to a more open area and she started to cough. She looked at me with watery eyes and a red face and I said "Payton, are you ok now?" She nodded her head and I said "SAy something to me!" And that little angel looked me right in the eye and said
"Did I scare you half to pieces mommy?"
YES scared me half to pieces.
What is it with my family and the heimlich???


Jill said...

I thought I had the family of chokers, since my two kids seem to always choke. that's so cute what she said. so your family need to outlaw bacon, water, and round hard candies... oh and was it roast that marcus choked on? add that to the list.

Brenda said...

marcus choked on pot roast.

~Lori said...

i was going to suggest a liquid diet, but even that won't work for you.... maybe just practice chewing 50 times? Who knows.

Very cute what she said when she finally did say something. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you were there to help her this time. Seems like you all take turns choking and doing the Heimlich. Glad she is ok. Didn't Marcus choke on YOUR pot roast? MOM

aunt nancy said...

Scary stuff, but what a sweetie! Sounds like you'd better be sure Carsyn can do the Heimlich, too. Don't let anyone eat or drink anything around Sudsy. His nerves couldn't take the worry. Hopefully no one chokes on chocolate and you all have a Happy Easter!