Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Best of Both Worlds!!!

Carsyn and I had a special day today...we went to Austin to see the Hannah Montana movie concert in 3D. It was fun girls' day out...we even managed to touch Hannah and catch a guitar pick...thanks to our awesome 3D glasses. Carsyn was all decked out in her fav HM wear...including her cool hair extensions.


Jill said...

Very cute! I bet she loved it! Could you even hear the movie over all the shouting little girls??

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I got to take Kyle to all the Ninja Turtles movies.

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Oh Brenda. How will I ever do right by having girls? Hair extentions? I've been enjoying that they don't even have hair so I don't have to mess with it. I'm in big trouble. Your girls are adorable.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time. And Carsyn looks fabulous. MOM

Anonymous said...

FUn! One of my coworkers was taking her daughter to see it tonight. I can't wait to hear about it. Sounds like you two had a blast!
And p.s., I really love your hair...the more I look at it, the more I want to cut mine!

Amy Covey said...

It looks like she had so much fun! Sadly, I did not get to go. I was seriously upset about it. Yesterday was another fun dizzy, not feeling well day and I just knew that I couldn't make the trip to Ft Wayne for the movie. SO...Chris stepped up and won major points by taking the kids. I think I sat on the couch and cried and felt sorry for myself the whole time they were gone. But they had a ball!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got some time to get away for an enjoyable day. I don't see big brother Marcus in the picture. Guess he drew the line on being a good sport and dressing up for this event.


Lisa Uotinen said...

OHMYGOSH Carsyn is adorable. IN the 2nd picture she looks EXACTLY like you.
Hey, you have music now! Love it! How can I get in on this, with my blog?

Anonymous said...

Very cute! My nieces were showing off their glasses from when they went. My sister had to take them a few towns over and get in line early to make sure it wouldn't sell out. Kathleen