Sunday, July 13, 2008

Can I hear an "Amen!"

Well it's done...our house is finally undercontract. We had an offer that was really low and turned it down. Then we had four people in one week come through but not make an we accepted the low one. We are more than fine now...we had plenty of equity inthis house so we didn't lose anything...just didn't make as much as we would have liked. We will close on or before August 15.
So tomorrow we head to Ft. Worth...i need to sign my contract and we need to pick out a home. It is very excited for me...and so relieving!
I must say that I have really seen God in action in our lives through all of this and am rejoicing because of it. Everytime we had a question, he answered. It all worked his time. I have really really tried to take the word "anxious" out of my vocabulary through all of this and have really started to feel peace. Thanks to all of you for your support. We really needed it...and still do!
Photos will come soon of us...and the home we choose!
Last night after we received the official word, I opened my bible and looked up "rejoice." I found this and it just really hit home.

I Peter 1:6 "In this you will greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory"


Jill said...

Can I say "Yay!" and "Boo!" at the same time instead of Amen? I am so super excited for you guys...yet realizing that means you are officially moving away soon. Luke and I are pretty bummed, but we'll definitely make enough weekend trips back and forth to keep in touch! Will you be too busy to go on my big Ikea trip in a week or two?? OH, and see Mamma Mia with me?

~Lori said...

Yay! Good luck house hunting. have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'll keep thinking of you as you look for a new home.

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

Did you hear my "Amen" from Poland? This is so awesome! It's also encouraging to me as I look ahead to all the things that need to fall into place as I head back to the States in a few months. God is faithful and thank you so much for sharing! Oh, and I also LOVE that verse you shared. It's one of my favorites!
Enjoy the house hunting!

Anonymous said...

Amen AND hallelujah! Good luck with the house hunting and all the other details, but the biggest hurdle has been crossed.

Amy Covey said...

YEA!! I'm excited for you. I hope house hunting is going well today. I can't wait to hear about your potential new house...and all the fun decorating ideas!!