Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hair Help, Please!

Ok, I am usually really up on the hair thing, but I am a mess right now. I was doing the graduated bob thing. Apparently so is everyone else, soI find that annoying. Not to mention, I think it's a pain in the butt to maintain and style...not too many options with it. Not to mention I have't had anything done to my hair since Feb.2 so it is just a unlike me to neglect it this way!

Anyway, help me out. I want some sort of bang. Should I got for style #1 which is shorter? Or style number two,which is basically what I have now, but with bangs.

The shorter is soooo cute. But the medium could grow and it would be an easy summer style. What do you think?????

Style #1: see photo

Style #2: See link (it's style number 4...and not that hideous color)


Jill said...

I'd go for #2 first... then if it's not what you want, next time go shorter. If you go shorter right away, then you'll have to wait a lot longer to try #2! And I"m always a fan for longer for summer - ponytails.

Anonymous said...

Did you try changing the hair color for #2? Didn't like it at first but I did it in brown and reddish brown and it looks a lot better. Like both but Jill has a point about easier to go shorter than longer. MOM

~Lori said...

I like #2, but like you said, it's what you already have, but w/ bangs. It's a cute style on you, though...I know what you mean about no styling options. That's the cut I have now, and it looks the same every day-- except I updated mine a little bit, since like you said, everyone has that haircut, and one side of mine is longer than the other. It's the new "thing". :)

Amy Covey said...

I vote for #1, but I always got for the shorter/funkier hair style. Be sure to take before and after photos for us!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy, because it's more of a change. Also, it's hard to tell if your hair is messed up.